Phone number

FR +33 781 611 140

US +1 646 783 1140


US +1 646 786 3447




Other engagements

In achieving your goals, our firm will assist you from the draft of your company to its recurring needs of advice and assistance while taking decisions. We can help you prepare your business plan that will get you started, help you finding resources and even apply for a visa. Our firm can also perform due diligence assignments or temporary or punctual CFO engagements.



Business plan


Before starting your business, you have to work on a business plan to ensure the sustainability of your idea. Our firm will work with you on the development of a 5 year forecast. We will prepare the financial statements and cash flow statements. These documents may also be used to seek resources or complete your application for a visa from a lawyer. In the last case, we will only work on the figure; the immigration lawyer will assist you with the literary part of your file.



Due diligence


If you are buying an American company, we can assist you in this process. Our mission will be to analyze the financial statements of the target company and to compare our findings with the purchase price requested by the seller. This analysis is not an audit but will lead to the preparation of a specific report.



Temporary CFO


This mission can be on a temporary or punctual basis. In the first option, a qualified employee of our firm will "replace" your officer during his/her absence (ex: maternity leave, illness, ...). The second option is more on a demand basis. In other words, you do not have to pay a full time officer but you can make us act according to your needs (ex: 1 day per week, 2 days per month, ...). Our job will be to assume the tasks and responsibilities of a CFO within your structure. With an experienced outsider, we can ensure a quality mission so you do not have to hire someone full time. This option is flexible and based on availability at our firm.

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